Bigg Boss 13 winner Siddharth Shukla inaugurates a Hospital. Even though Bigg Boss is over, Siddharth Shukla‘s fans army is in no mood to stop. Fans craze for Siddharth has been increasing with each passing day.
Just to mention the actor on social media and fans go crazy about him. Be it at the gym or making a public appearance. Siddharth keeps his fans aware of his whereabouts. And recently, Siddharth clicked at a hospital ward’s inauguration ceremony in the city.
Siddharth snapped at Brahmakumari hospital with an aim to inaugurate a ward. Many pictures and videos of Siddharth from the hospital have gone viral on the social media.
Take a look at pictures and videos, where Siddharth is seen interacting with an elderly fan.