Star Plus popular show Anupaama starring Rupali Ganguly, Sudhanshu Pandey, and Madalsa Sharma has been making lot of headlines. The show is one of the most popular show on television and topping the TRP charts since release. However, while the show continually accomplishes more prominent statures, there are rumors of cold conflict between the lead actors Rupali and Sudhanshu.
Now, as per latest reports in BollywoodLife, actress Madalsa Sharma
The reports also added that these these stories are spread by the fans. And, it is to connect with lovers of the individual celebs in an altercation. The TV show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin, too, confronted something similar. “Such stories are circulated by fans to create fan wars. Something similar happened with Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin as well,” the source added.
Talking about the continuous track on the show, while Vanraj (Sudhanshu)is wedded to Kavya (Madalsa). Anupamaa (Rupali) continues to remain with the Shah family. Well, as of now the celebrities are not ready to accept the fact that something is wrong. And, all the fans out there of these celebrities hope the same and live in harmony. Also, they are mature enough to handle the situation even if for a while if something wrong.
(Image Source: Instagram-MadalsaSharma, RupaliGanguly)