Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut turned Interior designer for her sister Rangoli Chandel‘s new Home. The actress is spending her quarantine time with her family in her hometown. Recently, her sister Rangoli has shared the pictures of her new home whose interior has been designed by Kangana. The actress is utilizing her quarantine time in a best way by trying her hands into interior designing.
Sharing the pictures of her new home’s interior, designed by Kangana. Rangoli wrote, “When she asked me what kind of interiors do I like, I said I don’t like torn, worn out, vintage, old looking stuff, I don’t know what I like but I want new things to look new, I remember her face, that’s her style vintage, rustic, worn out and totally purana looking things (sic).”
Rangoli further added, “It was out of her comfort zone, she has been incessantly working on this and today when I saw her put finishing touches I was stunned, I can say one thing, this is not a house to me it’s heaven it’s a blessing … P.S walls are waiting for paintings, heaters needs to be fixed, we don’t have much help she is setting up everything with her own hands but I just couldn’t wait, will post more when it’s all ready (sic).”
Take a Look at the pictures:
Kangana was last seen in Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari‘s Panga, which was a sports-drama co-starring Richa Chadha and Jassie Gill.