Bigg Boss 13’s Shehnaaz Gill all set to make her Bollywood Debut with Salman Khan’s upcoming film Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali, as per reports. Reportedly, the Honsla Rakh actress will be seen opposite Aayush Sharma in the film. If recent reports are to be believed, Shehnaaz all set to start shooting for the film and she is emotional and missing her late friend Sidharth Shukla.
As reported by, Shehnaaz is ‘immensely missing’ Shukla. A source close to the portal said, “Shehnaaz Gill cannot contain her excitement and she is having all the jitters possible as she is all set to live her dreams. However, on this big day, she is immensely missing her dear friend Sidharth Shukla who too waited for this big day. Sana is damn emotional right now and she cannot hold her emotions. She is being strong but she cannot control her emotions and breaks down while missing the actor.”
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The source further added, “Shehnaaz has come a long way and today she is on the way to achieving all her dreams and this is the reason she is missing Shukla. But she knows that he is always with her and she is very positive about everything right now. She is no less than an inspiration to all of us. Shehnaaz is indeed the bravest and unstoppable right now and we cannot wait to watch her rule to Bollywood one day.”
On Work front, Shehnaaz last seen in Punjabi film Honsla Rakh alongside co-star Diljit Dosanjh, Sonam Bajwa. The actress has received immense love and appreciation from audience for her performance in the film. Recently, Shehnaaz become the ambassador of a campaign started by the spiritual organisation Brahmakumaris for the empowerment of girl child. Also, as per reports, Shehnaaz Gill has signed Salman Khan starrer upcoming film Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali. She will be playing a prominent role in the film opposite actor Aayush Sharma.
(Image Source: ShehnaazGill, SidharthShukla)