Star Plus popular show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been grabbing lot of attention with its interesting twists and massive drama. YRKKH is getting good TRPs ratings and receiving immense love from audience. The show stars Harshad Chopda and Pranali Rathod in pivotal roles as Abhimanyu-Akshara. The current track of the show revolves around Abhimanyu saving Manish’s life after he suffers heart attack. Other hand, Akshara is sad and blames herself for Bade Papa’s condition.
The latest episode saw Akshara questioning what kind of love is it that her family is paying the price for. Abhimanyu gets sad hearing this and feels that Akshara prioritizes her family over their love. He asks her that why is his love always questioned and why she always thinking about her family first, while he on the other hand has fought with everyone for her. Akshara tries to apologize to Abhi for this but he doesn’t listen. Abhi is upset and decides to not talk to Akshu till she calls him or misses him.
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Further, Manish will go to Birla House to meet Abhimanyu after recovering from hospital. As we all know Manish has always been against AbhiRa’s love, but now surprisingly, Manish accepts their relationship. Manish will now fix Abhimanyu and Akshara’s marriage but he puts a condition telling him to leave Birla house and live with Goenkas’ after wedding. Abhi will agree to leave house but puts a condition in front of Manish saying his mother Manjari will also leave house with him. Manish will agree to Abhi’s condition and accept him as his son-in-law.
However, Akshara will step back from marrying Abhimanyu. She is not ready to marry Abhi and this sudden change in her decision will shock everyone to core. Akshara wants to first convince both families and then marry Abhimanyu instead bringing him to Goenka house after marriage.
It will be interesting to see what happens next.
YRKKH produced by Rajan Shahi under Director’s Kut Production. The show also features actors like Karishma Sawant, Mayank Arora, Sharan Anandani, Ami Trivedi, Ashish Nayyar, Paras Priyadarshan. Pragati Mehra, Vinay Jain, Neeraj Goswami, Niharika Chouksey, Swati Chitnis, Sachin Tyagi, Ali Hassan and Niyati Joshi among others.
(Source: SerialGossip)
(Image Source: StarPlus)