On Saturday’s Weekend Ka Vaar episode of Bigg Boss 15, Superstar host Salman Khan announced the entry of four popular faces of ITV that will enter the controversial house as challengers. With the entry of Challengers, the housemates will face some new hurdle. Popular ITV actors Surbhi Chandna, Vishal Singh, Munmun Dutta, Akanksha Puri are the four new challengers who will make things difficult for the contestants in BB 15 house.
The challengers has entered the house with 4 Tickets to Finale and housemates have to survive the torture tasks given by them to get entry in the Finale week. Reportedly, we might also witness eliminations of those contestants, who will lose the task. ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 15: “UNBREAKABLE BOND TEJRAN” trends on Twitter after Tejasswi Prakash indirectly confesses her love for Karan Kundrra
Surbhi Chandna, Vishal Singh, Munmun Dutta, Akanksha Puri are entering the Bigg Boss house for the first time. However, Surbhi isn’t new to the BB as she had appeared on the stage with Ekta Kapoor earlier to promote her show Naagin, but entering inside house is for the first time.
Meanwhile, the contestants who are competing for the Bigg Boss 15 trophy are Karan Kundrra, Tejasswi Prakash, Pratik Sehajpal, Umar Riaz, Nishant Bhatt, Shamita Shetty, Rashami Desai, Rakhi Sawant, Devoleena Bhattacharjee, Abhijit Bichukale. The show is heading towards it’s finale and soon we will get the winner of season 15.
Who do you think will lift the trophy this year? Tell us in the comment section below.
ALSO READ: Bigg Boss 15 POLL: Karan Kundrra, Pratik Sehajpal, Tejasswi Prakash, Umar Riaz, Shamita-Who’s most deserving to Win the trophy? VOTE HERE
(Image Source: Surbhi, Vishal, MunmunDutta, Akanksha)