Star Plus show Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali has been keeping the viewers hooked to the show with it’s interesting storyline. The show stars Shivangi Khedkar and Sai Ketan Rao in lead. The duo is ruling the hearts of viewers as Pallavi and Raghav. Fans are loving their on screen chemistry and fondly calls them #RaghVi.
In an interview with India Forums, actress Shivangi Khedkar talked about her growth as an actor in the entertainment industry. When Inquire about whether she feels having made considerable progress as somebody who has ventured into the Indian TV space, she says it feels like yesterday. However, things have gotten easier.
Talking about the same, Shivangi said, “For me, it feels like yesterday was my first day on the sets, meeting all the people, my first shot, and meeting the director, but yes, it has been a while. Now, when I read the script, it has become easier for me, but it wasn’t the same on the first day. Now, when I read it a couple of times, and I know I can do it, so as an actor, I feel I have grown, with the scenes, the nervousness that I have on the first day and now it is all gone. Everybody around is your people, they believe in your acting, so now, I am much more comfortable on set. 100 episodes have happened, there are many more to come.”
The show has been doing very well with the fans, and the multiple stories running altogether running have them hooked to the show. In the previous week, fans did different trends on social media as the audience thoroughly loved the ongoing track revolving around Raghav (Sai) and Pallavi (Shivangi).
Mehndi Hai Rachne Waali is produced by SOL Productions and Sandiip Films. The show is based on Star Maa’s Telugu series Gorintaku. It also stars Ashok Phal Dessai, Sameer Deshpande, Asmita Ajgaonkar, Snehal Reddy, Priyanka Dhavale, Rutuja Sawant, Karan Manocha among others.
(Image Source: Instagram-ShivangiKhedkar, SaiKetanRao, StarPlus)